Friday 27 February 2009

Scratch-built - Games Workshop Dreadnought

Tomorrow will be the first anniversary of the very first post on this Blog. I wanted to commemorate it with something special, unfortunately I have not been able to do much modelling or painting this week. So instead, I thought I would up-load a set of photos showing a scratch-built Dreadnought that was built some time ago, well over six years ago!

The first four photos show the model in its 'naked' form showing the bare cardboard, plastic card, pen barrels and pieces from my 'spares box' that went into building this monster. The photos were originally taken on a 35mm camera and these photos have been scanned and cropped. I apologise for the poor quality.

The second group of four photos, show the model undercoated with white acrylic paint. I have often thought about painting this model - but can never decide on a 'chapter colour' I like! Maybe one day I will get around to painting it but for now I hope that you enjoy seeing how it was built.

The model was built from photos and illustrations in White Dwarf, however once finished I realised just how much bigger this model is compared to the metal (or plastic) Dreadnought. The model stands nearly 100mm tall and is mounted on to a 90mm coaster. I would estimate it to be at least 50% bigger than the Games Workshop models, maybe more. The plastic Space Marine in the top photos gives some idea of how it towers over a 28mm figure.


1 comment:

  1. Nice dread!! Just call it a Venerable, and most people shouldnt have issue with the size.

    Also, grats on the first year down, may you have as many more as you can tolerate!
