Saturday 28 February 2009

First Anniversary of Dampf's Modelling Page

It is exactly one year ago today that I started this Blog.

One Blog
Nine Followers
A dozen post labels
140 Blog Entries
Hundreds of photos and
Thousands of words!

Thank you to all that have written kind comments over the year. When I first set it up, I was not sure that I would be able to find things to say, but obviously I have LOTS TO SAY and still more to go.

As well as the entries detailed in the Blog there are three outstanding articles still waiting to be published, they are;

How to build a Flintloque Windmill - due out next month in the Flintloque Fanzine 60 Bloody Rounds/Notables Compendium from Alternative Armies.

The Crashed Rocketship Terrain Board - I am still hopeful that this construction article will appear in the Rattrap Productions Magazine Thrilling Expeditions Quarterly.

The Japanese Aeronef MONI - a Workbench article due to be featured on The Miniatures Page in the next month.

Once again thank you for the support, and best regards



  1. Happy birthday Dampf's modelling page - inspirational and informative!

  2. keep up the great work, love your terrain stuff, very inspirational. Looking forward to your posts this year.


