Tuesday 3 March 2009

Flash Gordon - Mudmen

My latest Flash Gordon modelling project is a group of three Mudmen. For some time I have been looking for a suitable base miniature!

Photo One - is a Reaper Miniatures - Earth Elemental reference number 02777 from the Dark Heaven Legends range. It took a while for me to pick up three similar miniatures, one from E-bay, one from Waylands Forge, Birmingham and the third from Spirit Games, Burton. (The service from Spirit Games was very good, the figure was ordered on the Thursday, late afternoon and arrived on the Saturday morning).

Photo Two - In the meantime I had also purchased two Crucible Miniatures Clay Golems, reference 91-905, from E-bay, but when they arrived in the post I was disappointed with the style of sculpting and the size. Here they are mounted on to 40mm round bases.

Photo Three - a converted Reaper Miniature, Earth Elemental with repositioned arms and hands taken from the Crucible Miniatures Clay Golem.

Photo Four - another Earth Elemental with a left arm replaced with one from the Clay Golem, the right arm repositioned and the right leg remodelled.

Photo Five - an almost 'stock' Earth Elemental, but with the body and head 'bulked out' with Milliput.

Photo Six - The three undercoated Mudmen on 40mm round bases. All joints were 'pinned' with small pieces of paperclips with the bodies strengthened and built up with 'Green Stuff' and a thin, diluted coat of Milliput.

Once the white paint was dry, I added some fine sand mixed with PVA glue and white acrylic paint to the upper shoulders and forearms of each of the miniatures. Although the three are all modelled from the same miniature, I believe that the modifications are enough to add a degree of individuality to the group.

My initial plan was to have five Mudmen, but out-of-stocks have meant that a trio will have to do for now.

In part two, I will detail the painting - but what colour should I paint my Mudmen?



  1. Excellent conversions there Tony ! You've got to paint them shades of brown really :)
