Friday 5 February 2010

Foul Mouth Freddy for Flintloque

For any new readers - see;


This week I have been visiting family in Swansea. On my return I have continued to work on my latest building - a 28mm Tudor Style Dovecote or Pigeonnier which should be finished very soon. However for most of today I have been concentrating on a new Flintloque sculpt - Foul Mouth Freddy! Which I hope will be cast by Alternative Armies as a limited edition miniature.

The image below shows my initial conversion, but I have now received the pieces to construct another and between waiting for the 'green stuff' to harden I thought a 'heads-up' was in order.

I'll try to get pictures up-loaded soon.

For now I am looking forward to the start of the Rugby - The Six Nations. Being a Welshman living in England it is always a period of apprehension, but in my usual manner I am optimistic that Wales will perform well.


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