Wednesday 16 December 2009

Foul Mouth Freddy T -

Orcs in the Webbe - Advent Calendar for Tuesday 15th December 2009 features a short solo scenario for Flintloque which was written by me and edited by Craig Andrews; Foul Mouth Freddy Spikes the ****ing Gun. Full details of the scenario and further Alternative Armies scenarios can be found at;

The character is based upon a family friend, in fact my God Father, who is sadly no longer with us. Uncle Fred was a real character, and I was not aware of his nick name for many, many years! Foul mouth Fred had many (real life) adventures and with my father were one of the funniest double acts I have ever come across. I miss them both very much.

I can only think of one miniature in my collection that could even come close to representing Freddy, this highly converted Orc Sergeant.

Writing the background and scenario has brought back many fond memories and I would not be surprised if further adventures of Foul Mouth Freddie appear in the future.

I hope you enjoy the story.


With reference to the scenario, I would suggest that 12 barrels of Krolsberg maybe too many - try 6 to 10 and see how it turns out.


John Lambshead said...

That is a great miniature, John

Rob Alderman said...

Bloody good scenario!

I really like the character, can we copy your conversion or is it strictly personal?

I will enjoy playing the scenario, and I look forward to more from 'Foul Mouthed Freddie'.

Must say, I am quite confused as to which Dwarves are which!
Freddie controls seven Krautian Dwarves and are fighting 10 Finklestein Dwarves? Yes? I didn't read that. just got it!

Tony said...

Oh course you can copy it. Top half Orc Grenadier and legs from the Troll (Obidiah's box set).

I can see many more adventures of Foul Mouth Freddy coming.


Tony said...

Part 2

I would have thought That Foul Mouth Freddy would make a good Limited Edition or VLE miniature from AA. I am sure that I could reproduce it and AA could then cast him! We will have to see.

Second part - I always get confused over which Dwarf faction fights which Dwarf faction! So don't expect any help or guidance from me!


Rob Alderman said...

Send Gavin an email (or even better give him a bell). He'd be more than happy to do that I am sure (he was with me and I'm a miniatures designer for them!). I'd love to see some stuff coming from your direction.

Perhaps a Notables only code, like Bobby the Boozer. I think he'd fit in nicely.

I also just managed to get the scenario (regarding Dwarves), I think that's just down to how dim I am!

Fink -Good (ally with Elves etc)
Kraut - Bad (ally with Orcs etc)


Rob Alderman said...

Oh and cheers for the reference to the parts. I think I should have those spare. :)
