Monday 12 April 2010

Billy (the) Piper - my latest on-line build.

It's been some time since I painted this Ratman Piper from the Alternative Armies/Flintloque box set - Highland Rat Infantry 44th Strathcarnage & Killmore (56502). Then earlier this year at the WMMS - Alumwell, I picked up a second-hand piper figure for £1.00. This prompted me to paint a second Piper (called Billy).

Photo One - Shows the initial finished and completed piper from my collection. It is based on a 2p piece and is painted in the same scheme as shown on the box front. It has already been featured here on this Blog at;

Photo Two - The second-hand miniature mounted on to an old 1d coin, in fact an Irish 1d, pre-decimal coin. Please Note that the casting was already painted/undercoated black when I bought it. I didn't feel that it was worth stripping the paint off as I normally work off a black undercoat.

Photo Three - I have built up the base with cork pieces, Milliput and sand.

I am not sure I have said this before - but these some of the very best sculpted Flintloque Figures in the whole collection, full of character, beautifully sculpted and with a 'hefty feel' and the piper is the best sculpt in the set. Does anyone know who sculpted these for AA?

The figure is 35mm tall (base of foot to top of head, 40mm to top of feather).

It is strange that since starting On-Line builds, I have found that I miss not having one on the go. I am also sure that they help to improve my painting techniques as well as being therapeutic! If any followers were to copy my example and keep a log of their on-line builds, I am sure it would be successful.

I am planning on some (minor) conversion work on this figure - what's the point of having two identical miniatures? I will give more details in my next up-date.



  1. Well, he's not quite as pretty as Billie, but he does have the correct teeth... ;-)

  2. Hey Tony,

    the sculptor was Mike Owen!

    Very nice, I look forward to seeing what you do with this one. It's a cool mini.

    Have you got the Rat piper band? That's a brilliant set.

    ...really must get around to painting it...


  3. Hi Rob,

    Thanks for the info.

    And No I do not own the Rat Piper Band, but would like to have a couple of the figures rather than the whole set. I'll keep an eye open for the set second-hand or individual figures.

