Tuesday 13 April 2010

Billy (the) Piper - part two

Billy is now undercoated, GW Chaos Black. However I thought I would list the modifications I have made to the basic miniature.

The most noticeable is that the bonnet feather or distinctive 'red Hackle' has been extended and enlarged. I used a mix of Milliput and 'Green Stuff', plus a small touch of superglue to ensure it stays in place. The right stocking has been re-sculpted, again with some Milliput/Green Stuff mix. The backpack (not shown in these two photos, has been tidied up, there was a heavy fold in the side of the backpack, I'm not sure if this was a casting flaw or it was intended to be there as it appears on the initial piper model as well as this second casting. I partially filled it to make it less prominent). Finally I added a small circular badge to the back of the pack, I have seen similar badges on the backpacks of the 42nd Highland Regiment.

I will get around to painting some colour in the next post - but this should give an idea of how I prepare my models.


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