Saturday 3 July 2010

Grand Manner Buildings painted by Simon Chick

Last month I attended Partizan, the wargame show at Newark and while helping on the Grand Manner stand I met with Simon Chick who purchased a GM Church and Gatehouse. I can remember speaking to Simon and discussing how he was looking to combine the two kits to produce a Walled Priory/Abbey. Earlier this week, Simon was kind enough to send me an e-mail with some photos and details of his painted models. Full details can be found on his Blog at;

I have used one of the images (with permission) to illustrate this post. De La Pre Abbey was painted by Simon - and I think the finished effect is quite fantastic. I particularly like the 'honey' coloured stone and the way that he has combined elements to produce a very natural display and setting. Very well done.

I would hope that I will be able to include many other illustrations of the GM buildings I have sculpted on this Blog. If any readers/followers have any painted examples, please contact me, I will be pleased to include them.

When building the 'masters', I usually have a particular colour scheme or setting in mind, for example, I had previously only seen the Church painted dark grey and the Gatehouse as part of the Medieval Street set-up so this use of the two buildings is completely new to me!

Finally, I wish Simon every success with his own modelling project and would recommend that you check out his Blog.


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