Thursday 1 July 2010

June 2010 update

At the end on June, the number of followers jumped from 90 odd up to 106, welcome to all..... I do sometimes wonder how many regularly follow the posts? In addition I am now very close to my 500th post and am beginning to realise that a Blog may not be the best way to store and retrieve so many posts! However, there is still much to come and I thought a short review and list of forthcoming articles might be of interest. It also keeps me on my toes.

I have an article on the building and painting of a VSF Aeronef due out in issue four of The Ancible. Once I have seen the printed article, I will post more details, however there has already been some talk about it on The Lead Adventure Forum.

Barking Irons, issue 2 from Alternative Armies is also going to carry (at least one) article by me. The magazine release has been delayed.

In addition AA have one set of Flintloque miniatures, sculpted by me, that they have still to release 'Officially' and a Very Limited Edition Miniature of Foul Mouth Freddy, which although seen on the Web, is still to be included in the AA web pages.

Work continues on commissions for Grand Manner and as the pieces are released, I will add comments and photos. Dave has been very understanding in allowing me to build a number of Greek buildings and terrain pieces, but now I have to start following his briefs. There are plans for a number of new pieces to be launched in time for Colours, but as stated, I will add details later.

Bill at TMP still has a couple of Workbench articles, but these have been 'stacked-up' for some time and I'm not sure they will see the light of day.

I have also written an additional VSF modelling and painting article which should be published on the Internet very soon, in fact there are a number of VSF articles and projects in the pipeline and I should be able to give details soon, these new project do drag on.

In addition to the above, I am still painting the odd Watercolour, I find the preparation a little tiring, but once I have started the paintings, I enjoy it.

Should anyone need any articles - you should be able to get a feel for my writing style from this Blog, please get in touch. I look forward to the 500th post and continuing with this Blog Diary, I hope you still enjoy the ramblings.



  1. Hi - this is a rather long comment, so apologies in advance!

    You wonder how many follow every post - I think I am one who does. I have a look at my Blogger dashboard in the morning, and visit those recent entries that seem to be interesting; yours is one of the blogs that draws me in every time.

    You also comment about seeing your Ancible article in print; unlikely since the email from Kenny Robb saying that The Ancible has gone the way of Wargames Journal and gone PDF only... a real pity, but not unexpected in this market.

    Anyway - all the very best.


  2. I follow via google reader, im not sure if that gets picked up by the trackers though, as if i click through a link, i have to reauthenticate to comment/log in to blogger again. Odd, anyway, keep up teh writing, you are a very enjoyable read.

  3. I'm a regular reader, love the terrain stuff and your skratch building pieces. You have supplied loads of inspiration.

    Keep up the good work.


  4. Hi Colin,

    I was not aware that Ancible had gone PDF Only until your post. I wrote the article looking forward to seeing in in print, but will now have to settle for a Web based article instead!

    I've seen the article (I had been given a token to download it free of charge) and although this might seam boastful, it looks very good.

    I intend writing further articles for them, in fact I have one already to go, another Aeronef construction and painting article. But this will have to wait as for the next couple of days I am away from my own computer.

    Thanks for the comment/comments.

