Thursday 7 October 2010

40mm Sharpe and Harper from Graven Images

I was recently lucky enough to pick up this 40mm pack of Sharpe and Harper from e-bay. I'm not sure when I will get around t0 painting them as I have a couple of stalled painting projects on my workbench as well as some commissions which need to be completed.

The pair of metal miniatures were produced by Jim Bowen and are sold (or were sold) by Graven Images. This image is taken from the Jim Bowen Disturbia Yahoo site and is used without permission to illustrate my purchase. For more details see; link

With reference to the painted models - I see Harper as having dark (almost black) hair and Richard Sharpe with blonde hair.

As stated above, I am not sure when I will update this posting, but the miniatures are safe and still in their blister, they should keep well. The Graven Image 40mm miniatures are some of my all-time favourites (see Flash Gordon label for more examples), the 'chunky' sculpting style suits my painting technique and I am sorry that new releases have dried up.


1 comment:

  1. These miniatures look lovely.

    Have you seen the Chiltern sharpe and harper? Those are similarly chunky.

    Only things I don't like about these is a) the paintjob, I agree about the hair colour you suggest and b) Sharpe's pose. He looks really uncomfortable, like he has a broken leg or something.

    Otherwise, I am sure you will be able to paint them up wonderfully!

