Friday 8 October 2010

New castings from Grand Manner

Earlier today I met with Dave at Grand Manner - I was dropping off a couple of finished masters, details to follow. Dave and Chris (his son) were just removing the first 'test castings' of the new Ancient Greek, Medieval and European buildings, including The Argo, The Ancient Greek Amphitheatre, The Merchants House and The Wealdon House. I know I should be more humble, but these casting are fantastic, they look great and I can't wait to see some painted examples, for details check out this link

I know from experience that the production of these moulds and the first castings have taken a considerable amount of both time and money. I would hope that the return (sales) are worth all of the effort.

I plan on having a day at the Workshop on Sunday, painting and helping out with packaging the resin castings prior to CRISIS 10 Antwerp. We may even get around to taking a few photos! Keep an eye out for the release and cost of the new models, they should be up on the revised site within the next couple of days.

I have over the last year produced a huge amount of new masters for Grand Manner, during that time I forget just how many! Seeing them in raw resin and even better as painted models 'brings them to life' and it is like seeing them again for the first time. I was particularly impressed with the (very large) Ancient Greek Amphitheatre and seeing two of the casting joined up was really great. I think my favourite was The Argo and given that this was the first ship model I had produced for GM, I was even more pleased to see that the first resin casting had come out of the mould so well. In addition (as stated in earlier posts) my Father used to produce models of ships (ships in bottles) and this was a subject matter that I had until now steered clear of. I look forward to seeing this one painted and can see me producing a waterline display model of this casting (alongside a dock, with a harbour front and buildings with a temple in the background.....). Finally The Roadside Shrine (which is in itself a model of the roadside shrine from the painting - Wellington's march from Quatre Bras to Waterloo) is another model I look forward to painting and basing!

I know how frustrating it can be when someone (or a company) posts a comment on models that are not yet released, I hope you will forgive me this little indulgence, but like a little boy in a sweet shop I just can't wait to tell you all about these new resin castings.


Grand Manner now on Facebook

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