Sunday 24 October 2010

Airfix Model World Magazine

I've just read about this new magazine - Airfix Model World to be launched in partnership with Key Publishing and Airfix. The re-birth of The much missed Airfix Magazine?

Key Publishing who already publish aviation magazine like Flypast, Airliner World and Airforces Monthly will publish the new magazine on the back of the iconic Airfix brand name.

Spokespeople from both Key Publishing and Airfix are very excited about the new launch which should be in stationers for Thursday 4th November. The 100 page magazine will feature all modelling genres, but focus on aviation (the largest sub-category). The cover price will be £3.99

Given that there have been many reports of the premature death of the Airfix brand, I for one look forward to seeing how this magazine performs.


1 comment:

  1. I saw it for sale in WHSmiths earlier today. I thought it was OK, with a wide spread of articles, very similar to the old Airfix Magazine.

    I would say that I might pick it up, but I'm in no rush.

    I'd be interested if any reader has bought a copy and what they think.

