Sunday 24 October 2010

Road Side Shrine by Grand Manner - part two

In part one, I showed you how I built the original 'master' Road Side Shrine for Grand Manner, see; link

The first three photos show the finished resin casting/castings, one of which was given as a second prize in The Notables Painting Competition to Rob Alderman (who came second), see earlier posts.

Photo four shows the resin casting undercoated in Dark Brown acrylic paint over Games Workshop Chaos Black spray paint. You should also be able to see how I have modified the original casting, firstly by supergluing the roof section to the main body and building up the cement join between the tiles and the building sides with Milliput. Even though I designed the original model, I was not planning on having the roof section removable as my Flintloque themed buildings are all solid. A 'fixed' roof made more sense to me. I have also 'softened' the base of the casting, by clipping and sanding the base edges, again to fit in with my Flintloque building collection.

Photo five shows some of the main colour added, however I was disappointed with my initial colour choice of grey and white and have modified it in later photos.

Photo six has much more Cream added to the initial grey/white colour scheme. I 'stippled' the cream over the grey/white, with more colour to the base and less to the top of the building. I have also painted the slate tiles grey. You should also see where the Milliput was used to fill the area between the tiles and the building sides and is painted cream/white

Photo seven, painting about 95% finished.

Photo eight is pretty much finished I have added some detailing and rain water runs to the plain plaster walls and have built up the ground colour into the walls, to give the impression of the building 'growing out' from the terrain rather than just sitting on top of it.

Photo nine, shows the rear of the shrine. I think this shows off the texturing, that I was so keen on modelling. Once painted and dry-brushed, this surface detail just 'pops' off the model and adds a great deal of character. The base was painted Snakebite Leather with Grey/White highlighted stones/rubble to match in with the rest of my Flintloque building collection

Photos ten and eleven show the finished Road Side Shrine, I flock the based of my Flintloque buildings to match in with my gaming table. I realise that this is a little 'old school', but like the effect when gaming, plus I have over one hundred pieces of terrain based in the same way and I feel it helps to unify my games/terrain.

Photo twelve is a little indulgence on my part - two Flintloque Character Orcs from my collection.

As I wrote in part one, this is a piece of terrain that I initially modelled for myself, copying an image from the Wellington at Quatre Bras painting. I have tried to paint it as close to the painting image as possible and have had a great deal of satisfaction in modelling it and painting it. I hope you like it.


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