Saturday 23 October 2010

Road Side Shrine by Grand Manner

Here is a finished, painted and based model of the 28mm resin casting from Grand Manner, Road Side Shine. see; link the master of which was modelled by me some months ago. The building is based on the small road side building seen in the painting Wellingtons march from Quatre Bras to Waterloo 1878, see; link and I have painted this first resin cast to represent the same shrine.

The master is built from various materials with the surface built up and detailed with DAS Modelling Clay. I wanted to portray a plastered building, but with enough fine surface detail that it would paint-up well. These photos show the construction process and removable roof.

While building a range of Eastern European or Early Napoleonic Buildings for Dave at Grand Manner, I came across this painting and wanted to model the shrine for myself. When I showed Dave the initial sketches, he said that providing I add an interior, he would mould it and cast it in resin. The challenge when modelling such a building is making a simple plastered cube have some character. I feel I have succeeded and I can honestly say that this little building has given me a great deal of satisfaction, in fact of all the European Buildings that I have built for GM, this is the first and only one that I have painted for myself.

In part two I will show how I painted and finished the Shrine.



  1. Hello there, I got mine from you and it really is a beautiful piece, I really appreciate it!

    Can't wait to get into order now!


  2. Hi Rob,

    I'm glad that you like it - I look forward to seeing it painted.

