Monday 31 January 2011

The Fields of Death by Simon Scarrow

I am now about three-quarters of the way through this book, just past the Retreat from Moscow and the horrendous atrocities performed by both French and Russians. All this and the bitter winter. Simon Scarrow has captured the horror in a chilling and very realistic manner. The crossing at Studienka was a particularly harrowing read.

This morning the temperature in the Midlands has once again dropped - the car temperature gauge is reporting -5 and this is only a fraction of the temperature drop experienced in the retreat. It brings it home to me just how terrible this ordeal must have been.

I've enjoyed reading the very vivid accounts of the battles in Russian and the Peninsular. Scarrow has captured the 'feel' for both campaigns very well.

I am aware that there are other books in the series, but with a huge back-log of unread books from Christmas, I doubt that I will be going out and purchasing any for some time.

For more details;
The Fields of Death
by Simon Scarrow
Published by Headline Review
ISBN; 978-007553-2440-8



  1. I'm halfway through the book, only up to 1810 just after Wagram, and I've gotta agree with what you've said, I've read the previous books in the series, they're all just as good, just might be worth getting the others, while you've got the Napoleonic taste!

  2. Page 423 - a certain Major of the 95th called Richard (who carries a rifle - like his men) reports to General Alten with information relating to a certain French despatch.

    So does our famous Richard Sharpe make an appearance?

