Friday 25 February 2011

Building to a tight deadline

Over the last couple of days I've been helping build a large gaming board to a very tight deadline. I am sorry but I am not able to give details at this time, but once I am given the all clear I will post with photos and links.

Earlier today I reported for duty, stating that I have a couple of hours free and what should I be working on. After a couple of false starts I was given the target of producing a 28mm waterline boat in two hours!

With only the materials to hand I had great fun constructing a boat/barge. With layer upon layer of still wet glue the model developed into a very good representation of the photographic inspiration and all within the two hour deadline. It really was a matter of modelling against the clock. But something I would recommend to others for a 'quick fix'.

As stated, once I have clearance I will post with more details and a link to the finished board.



  1. And you even find the time to write on your blog !
    Have a good weekend,

  2. Does that secret board have a cliff on it?

  3. And would it be suitable for Anzacs?

  4. I was under the very mistaken impression that this was secret!


  5. Under the impression it was secret but quite happy to drop hints about it anyway? Mmmmm.

    Looks fantastic, by the way. Very impressed.

    I think the first time folks will get to see photos is in WI283, and then in person for those going to Salute. Could be the best table there, so those in the know are saying. After that feel free to post all the pics you like : )


  6. Hi Dave

    I'm having great difficulty in keeping this under my hat - as you know - it really is a fantastic gaming board, without doubt the best I have ever seen.

    There is still some doubt as to whether I will be able to attend Salute. Hopefully I'll get to see it fully manned (with 28mm figures) at a closer show.


  7. or join the grand manner facebook group and put two and two together.
