Monday 28 February 2011

Three years of Blogging!

Today is the three years anniversary of the day I started this Blog. Back then I was not sure I would have enough to keep the Blog going, but here I am still typing and uploading!

In May 2010 I added a stats counter to the Blog to monitor both number of hits as well as who was reading my posts, the counter has meant that I have a much better idea of who follows my ramblings.

I regularly have over 7000 hits per month with the highest being 9226 in November 2010. The bulk of the visits come from either America or the United Kingdom with over half of all hits coming from just these two countries.

What I found surprising was that the post with the highest hits count was comment about Blogging and Web based magazines rather than pure modelling? See this link

I now have a following of 192, most of whom I try to keep in touch with through their own Blogs, I'm sorry if I haven't been as regular a contributor to either this or your Blog over the last month as work commitments have meant that if I have been modelling, it has been for inclusion in an article. I have a number that are due to be uploaded or published in the next couple of months.

In addition I feel that I have a circle of modelling friends who I regularly correspond with and not just with modelling or gaming comments.

Finally my professional modelling business, Dampfwerks - building masters for various companies, sculpting miniatures and writing articles has been a great boost to my confidence. Thank you to all for your help and support. See this link

I really must get back to modelling! Maybe I'll have some time this month - see you at Alumwell on the 13th, I'll be wearing my Red Jacket!



  1. Nice one! Now you've got to do another three years!

  2. Congratulations. Sometimes keeping the momentum of a blog going can be hard work, and then other weeks its easy. The fact that you've made it to three years suggests this great blog will keep going for some time to come.

  3. Congrats!!! That's a hell of an achievment !!!

  4. Congratulations! Three years (with content!) is quite an achivement. Looking forward to many more.

  5. Sit back, pour a glass of something special and give yourself a big pat on the back (without spilling any of the special stuff).

    All the best and keep it up!

  6. Congrats Tony, here's to another three years.

    I find the blog stats interesting but then again I'm an anorak. I'll keep a sharp look out for the red jacket at WMMS.


  7. congratulations and celebrations

    if only sir robins minstrals were here, there would be much rejoicing or at least something to eat!

    well done

  8. Congrats. I know I enjoy reading your VSF posts. Wish you another successful three years.


  9. Well done. Keep it going for another three.
