Wednesday 16 March 2011

Alumwell Wargames Show 2011 - part three

Part three is really a 'miss-match' of various photos - WW1 Aviation and Sci-Fi. As regular readers will be aware my modelling interests are wide and varied and at show like the WMMS I tend to be a little snap-happy.

Photo One - Shows some early WW1 aircraft. I would also like to advertise an Open day at the Boulton Paul Aircraft Heritage Project to be held on Sunday, April 17th 10.00am - 4.00pm. there will be many exhibits well worth checking out. For more information please contact Jack Holmes on 01902 843573 or Cyril Palmer on 01902 843118. the event will be held at Moog Aviation, Wobaston Road, Fordhouses, Wolverhampton WV9 5EW.

Photo Two - More WW1 aviation.

Photo Three - A scratch-built Sci-Fi transporter. I particularly liked the wheel arrangement. Sorry about the quality of the photo.

Photo Four - A Baccus 6mm Sci-Fi tank, which reminds me of the OGRE tanks.

Photo Five - A beautifully scratch-built Mars Rover. Very atmospheric.

Photo Six - There were a number of similar Fantasy Sci-Fi craft displayed on the IPMS stand, this one caught my eye due to the stunning colour scheme.

There are some other photos that I plan to up-load at some time in the future.



  1. Nice looking Bi-planes. I don´t suppose you know what make the OTTO is?

  2. Very nice modelling thanks for sharing, the mars rover is my pick they have done a great job and the mars surface is really interesting.

    By the way did anybody spot you buy your jacket?


  3. Hi Tony,

    Sorry I missed the 'red jacket'.

    Great photos and a nice write up of the show.


  4. Thank you for the comments.

    In answer to the queries;

    OTTO - I am not sure of the make or model, sorry.

    Red Jacket - I had three new contacts through wearing the red jacket and a surprise as Mystic Spirals, who I already knew introduced himself under the MS name!


  5. Update;

    Otto WW1 Observation biplane built by Gustav Otto Flugmaschinenwerke in 1913 - a development of the B.M.A. version.


  6. Thanks Tony and thanks for posting it on my blog :-D
    Ivé been hunting to find a maker of a 1/72nd far no luck

  7. Very nice pics. Inspires me to model. So much plastic, so little time.
