Tuesday 15 March 2011

Alumwell Wargames Show 2011 - part two

My second Alumwell or WMMS post features some beautifully modelled and painted German experimental armour or Paper Tigers, German tanks and tank destroyer designs that were on the drawing board as WW2 ended. A sort of Luft46 for armour rather than aircraft.

Each of the designs comes under the classification of the E-Series or Entwicklungs-Serie (Development Series). The E-Series which would allow for maximum interchange of parts. These AFV's were to replace all of the existing German vehicles making future production, maintenance and service easier and cheaper.

The tanks were named by weight classification, the E-10 being the 10 ton weight class - There were six classes in all E-5, E-10, E-25, E-50, E-75 and E-100.

Photo One - An unusual design that allowed the large gun to be removed from its armoured shell and wheeled out to the rear. I also suspect that the hull has been lengthened.

Photo Two - I believe that this design was called the Crocodile.

Photo Three - I know that this has the Porsche Turret.

Photo Four - A late war paint scheme green and yellow over the red oxide primer.

Photo Five - A Maus hull with a larger anti-aircraft turret.

Photo Six - I think this is an example of the E-10.

Photo Seven - This design is based on the King Tiger hull.

I admit that I am not an expert in this field and I really should have taken notes, but I hope that you will excuse my lack of knowledge on this subject. Should any reader be able to identify the class and vehicle in greater detail please post replies.

Most of the information above was taken from the Internet and in particular this post

All of these images were taken on the IMPS stand at the WMMS, Alumwell on Sunday 13th March 2011 and all of the models are to 1/35th scale.



  1. Nice photo's and very nice models.

  2. Those are beautiful models and I actually recognised some of them aswell.

  3. Thanks for posting these pictures. Great work.

  4. The Germans were completely bonkers....nice models though.
