Sunday 1 January 2012

2012 - Looking Forward

Around this time of year there are many Blog posts looking back at the year just finished and listing various New Years Resolutions. I thought I would be different and look forward to 2012.

I hope to continue with this Blog detailing forthcoming modelling projects and commissions. When I first started, I was unsure as to how the postings would develop but actually I have enjoyed the different paths it has taken me. My goal of at least 12 posts per month has been attained and rather than try to increase this target I would expect it to continue at around 12 - 15.

Commissions have been quiet this year but work has also been busier and in truth, I think the work/pleasure or work/hobby balance has been about right. In 2012 I would expect this and Dampfwerks to 'potter-along' at about the same level.

The big change in 2012 has been the increase in magazine or On-line magazine articles that I have penned. In 2012 I expect this to become an even more important part of my modelling life. As I have written on many occasions - I am a modeller first, a figure painter second and a wargamer third.

The stock-pile of Barking Irons Online (Web based magazine) articles has taken quite a bit of my spare time but has been hugely rewarding. In addition my short story writing has also developed, but as even I admit - could be better.

One development of 2011 was my un-official goal of trying to reduce the huge 'Lead Mountain' I have and this one small step has been very satisfying, allowing me to model and paint a wide variety of 'toy soldiers'.  Without setting myself a firm goal or target - I would hope that this could continue in 2012.  In addition I would recommend a similar goal to other figure collectors. It is very rewarding.

On a personal note my part-time job has developed and now accounts for about 25/30 hours a week - a figure that I can only imagine increasing in 2012. The time I spend modelling or painting model soldiers varies with the temperature - as I do most of my modelling in a shed-at-the-bottom-of-the-garden and when the water freezes I tend to come indoors and watch TV!

Finally I have recently started studying colour theory, the practice of complimentary and harmonising colours and how to select colour schemes that compliment rather than clash. I would hope that this interest and skill improves both my colour choices and painting skills.

As stated at the beginning, this was never intended as either a look back or a list of resolutions for 2012, just a clearing of the mind in the hope that this New Year I become a better Blogger, Modeller and Figure Painter.

Happy New Year.


1 comment:

  1. I must admit to not coming here as often as I would like to Tony, but I always really enjoy what I see when I do. Your master modelling articles have been particularly inspiring. Thanks for all the fun thus far and best wishes for another great year in 2012!
