Tuesday 3 January 2012

Stone Barn - A 28mm Masterclass

Barking Irons Online has just uploaded my latest Masterclass Modelling Article - a Stone Barn, full details can be found here The following four images show the finished model while details of the planning, construction and painting are detailed here 

Modelled to accompany my Flintloque miniature collection, such a simple model could easily be used for games from a wide variety of historical and fantasy settings.

These two images were taken at Games Expo 2011 which was held in Birmingham (UK) and shows a simple stone barn that was featured on the Warmachine Tournament gaming table. It was the inspiration for my own Stone Barn.

I have no hesitation in admitting that this is my favourite Flintloque themed building to date. I got a real buzz out of first drawing the plans and then building the model.  I hope you enjoy the article.



  1. Nice piece of modeling, Sir!

  2. Certainly a great looking building!

  3. Very interesting Tony, good deal of work involved. I like the way you have painted up the barn also.

  4. These buildings look absolutely incredible!
