Saturday 7 January 2012

Silly Week 2012 on Aircraft Resource Center

Once again Aircraft Resource Center have featured another Silly Week, for full details go to this link and search for Sunday January 1st 2012.  The Silly Week is a regular feature on ARC and allows modellers to be a little creative with both model construction and back ground stories. Check it out - I am sure you will enjoy the entries.

This Image is on a Wart Hind, modelled by Hal Elsberry and can be found on Friday 6th January.

This image has been used without permission, to illustrate the type of models featured on ARC Silly Week.



  1. That's so bizarre it's actually quite cool.

    Quite a lot of green stuff and sanding involved I should think?

  2. The color scheme could work well on Khurasan's range of Felids, IMO.
