Wednesday 15 February 2012

New Dwarf Regiment - part four

The Pledge has hit something of a dead-end as the bitter cold weather has forced me to abandon my shed-at-the-bottom-of-the-garden and snuggle down in front of the TV.  As the snow melts away and the mornings and evening are becoming lighter I have finally got around to undercoating the miniatures. Using a mixture of cheap black spray paint and some black craft paint all eight Dwarves are now fully covered and ready for some colour.

The first 'real' Painting was the flesh areas and in my usual manner I have built up the Dwarf skin tones from a GW's Snakebite Leather base with subsequent layers a mix of Snakebite and Skull White. The final layer a wash of  the old GW Flesh Wash (the blue topped pot which I have had for some time).

For this image I have tidied up the Chaos Black areas. Checking these images - I think I might have painted the flesh a little too pale and will look at adding some pink/red to the noses and cheeks.

I am not fully decided on the Regimental name, but The Battenburgers is currently favourite. As detailed in previous posts I am planning on painting the Dwarves in a Bottle Green uniform colour with Blood Red trousers and Busby pouch and Gold trim. they should be quite a colourful unit when finished.

As I look out of the window, I can see that the snow has finally gone, the temperature is up to a 'tropical' 6 to 7 degrees and I would expect to spend this evening catching up on my painting. Two Weeks in to The Pledge and I know I have much to do if I am going to achieve the first months goal.



  1. Should the battenburgers wear a pink and cream uniform?!


  2. Valid point!

    Any other suggestions?


  3. The flag could be a cross section of the famous cake....

  4. I agree. Pink and yellow quarters. But what do you paint in the centre?

