Saturday 14 April 2012

Salute 2012 - just one week to go

With under a week to go to the UK's premier Wargaming Show I am looking forward to my special day out in London. It is my intention to be there in time for the opening (I already have my badge) and spend every second browsing both the displays and the stalls.

This will be my first time attending Salute at the Excel Centre, the last time I went it was held in Olympia and I know that I attended many, many years ago when it was in Kensington.

A full photo report will follow, but for now I just thought it was worthwhile advertising the fact that I'l be there. I look forward to meeting up with fellow Bloggers.

For full details go to this link.



  1. I cant wait! Wont have as much spending money as I hoped, but Its the experience that counts I suppose!

  2. Hi Tony, I will be hovering around the AA stand at about 10.00 I would imagine!

    See you there, no doubt!!!

