Thursday 12 April 2012

Witchlands Hovel - A Masterclass Article

My latest Modelling Masterclass Article for Barking Irons Online is this 28mm Witchlands Hovel.  The model owes much to various workbench articles on The Lead Adventure Forum and some illustrations in a book on Northern Russia that I picked up earlier this year.

These four photos show the finished model, based, painted and flocked. For more information on how the model was built and painted go to this link.

Since finishing this piece I have produced five similar models for Grand Manner. Each feature removable roofs and full interior detail. It is planned that these new models will be available for Salute 2012 where Dave will be exhibiting.

I had intended building a church along similar lines, but so far this has had to be put on the 'back-burner' - maybe later this year.

I hope that this and earlier Masterclasses are of interest and help others with their terrain building.
