Sunday 27 May 2012

Games Expo 2012

Back home after a busy time at Games Expo 2012. My immediate reaction after entering the main hall was that the lighting was so much better than previous years as well as being better organised and laid out. On the negative side, there was the usual issues with parking and later as I was walking back to my car, I realised that there was very little new or substantially different from previous years.

I had produced a list of WANTS prior to leaving the house and top of the list was some pots of the old style GW paints, particularly Snakebite Leather - a paint that I use loads of. I had targeted some GW Devlan Mud wash, but just couldn't find any so settled for one pot of Gryphonne Sepia. At £1.00/£1.50 a pot these were a real bargain.

Most of my miniature purchases came from some 'rummage bins' on the Tritex Games stand - 50p or £1.00 each.

These first four are all 40mm (or taller) and should be ideal for my 40mm Flash Gordon collection - particularly the Weird Alien in the purple dress (far right).

I also picked up a collection of Dream Blade miniatures. My intention is to converted some Flintloque Orcs with these 'Green Man' heads as a special Albion force. I picked up three of these plastic miniatures.

I thought this Owlman Preacher (Firebrand) was a spectacular model and although I have no idea how I am going to use him - the sculpt alone was well worth £1.00.

Similarly this Ravencloak Visionary miniature offers both 40mm Flash Gordon and 40mm Typhon possibilities. Even if I just use the raven model on her left arm!

EXODUS - A new company (well new to me anyway) was showing these 40mm lizard Aliens. there are a number of variants - but I picked up just one to test if it could work with my 40mm Flash Gordon figures. If it does I can see a full force being added to the collection.

Another Dream Blades miniature, a Sightless Eunuch which I imagined as part of an Otharian force for Flintloque/Slaughterloo. Change the base add some facial features and a new sword and 'Bobs-your-Uncle'.

Finally for this post - the bargain of the day.  A 54mm resin model of a Dwarf Hero for just £3.00 from the bring-and-buy stall. I can simply use him as a Dwarf statue or if I'm feeling adventurous, a fully painted display model.

Next year Games Expo moves from The Clarendon Suite to The Metropole Hotel (near the NEC). I can understand the reasoning behind this as the parking is a problem at the current venue, however there is  also a certain 'warmth' about this building that a major hotel on the huge NEC site could never mirror.

Will I be going next year?  Not sure at this moment, but more than likely yes.


1 comment:

  1. I saw that Dwarf model, and was tempted, but already had too much Micro Art stuff I'd picked up from those boxes - I'm glad it went to a good home. I have no idea why all that stuff was there in the bring and buy, there were tonnes of it. I got some conversion bits for my Eldar army and some good large resin bases, but could have picked up a hell of a lot more.

    I was there with some Ancible people running the Last Living Souls zombie survival game, which was just in front of the bring and buy stand, next to the Cutlass game and within easy reach of the coffee. It was an absolute blast, but I didn't get to see as much of the show as I would have liked. What I saw was good though.

    I really wish I could have seen a bit more of the Ax Faction miniatures.
