Thursday 24 May 2012

Glasgee Lowland Rats - part five

My fourth group of finished miniatures this year - the Glasgee Lowland Rats from Alternative Armies and my latest contribution to The Pledge

Since the last post, the miniatures have been gloss varnished, the flag added and then the white areas touched up (I find that Ronseal Gloss Varnish can discolour white). Finally I have matt varnished and flocked the bases.

Photo One - The finished group of eight Lowland Rats based on 2p coins.  The miniatures were picked up from e-bay some time ago as unpainted castings and have waited patiently on my to-do list for some time. I mention this as there has been some discussion on modelling/wargaming Forums about Bloggers contacting miniature companies asking for figures to be reviewed. As you may know I regularly sculpt for AA and do have samples of my sculpts sent to me free of charge, I have never asked for figures to review on my Blog.

Photo Two - The three command figures, a drummer, the standard bearer (with hand painted flag) and the sword armed officer pointing the way forward..

Photo Three - The remaining five troopers.

Photo Four - All eight finished Rats. They make a very colourful regiment; The Thistles!

Round four of the Pledge, my attempt to paint some of my Lead Mountain has gone well, and ahead of schedule. details of round five will be posted soon. And this is one that should please a certain Rob Alderman!

As always, if you want to see more - just click on any of the images.


1 comment:

  1. Lovely work Tony.

    It is indeed true that you never ask for miniatures from us and that you paint what you please under your pledge.

    Gavin Syme
    Creative Manager
