Wednesday 31 October 2012

Were-Chickens of Beesdone

Another Halloween Special. Last year Barking Irons Online published the first part of the three part adventure Getting Ahead. While this year it features a very special piece of Flintloque inspired terrain; A Were-Chicken Coup including The Were-Chickens of Beesdone made famous by Rogipoos from The Notables Yahoo Group.

Full details of how this piece of terrain was built and painted can be found here.

The model is in the same vein as the earlier Gingerbread House (featured here on this Blog) and uses references and back-stories from Roger Willcox - our very own Uncle Rogipoos. Gavin (Alternative Armies), Craig (Orcs in the Webbe) and I felt that Halloween 2012 deserved something special and this is it!

The model was given as a gift to Roger, in recognition of all the times I have been entertained by his wonderful stories; Thank you Roger - I hope you enjoy it.



  1. That's just excellent!

    I certainly hope Roger enjoys it!


  2. Great as always. Your ability to highlight woodgrain is amazing.
