Friday 2 November 2012

Fireworks for Wargame Terrain Builders

An opportunistic reminder for all scratch-builders; Used and discarded fireworks can yield some very useful wooden sticks which are ideal for modelling wargame terrain - in fact the wooden sticks attached to rockets would normally cost a few pounds each if bought from a recognised modelling shop.

Look out for used rockets this weekend, store them in a dry place and keep them to hand when attempting your next scratch-building project.

As an example - here is a simple wooden fence modelled from some scrap wood and a couple of pieces of toffee apple sticks, simple but effective terrain and almost free to produce.

I will write more about this piece of Flintloque inspired terrain in a later post, but for now,does anyone have any idea what the tree trunk was modelled from? Gavin cannot take part - he already knows the answer!

More hints and tricks for scratch-built terrain coming very soon.



  1. The tree trunk is the stalk off a pumpkin!!!

    Great idea! :)

    Looks fantastic too matey!


  2. Tony, that is one of the most original and useful tips I have seen in years. Excellent!

    The potential savings are large as no one ever pulls up the sticks once the rockets have fled.


  3. Sorry Rob. Not in this case! No other hints at the moment.


  4. I've had a little wander round where I live this evening and got myself 4 quite useful bits of wood like that. Good tip there Tony.

  5. I remember roaming Pentire Headland as a boy collecting spent rockets for their sticks after firework night. Never found a use for them.

  6. This might inspire a nation-wide news article with all these modelers scavenging after 5th Nov...'National rocket stick hysteria'

