Wednesday 12 December 2012

Fine Sand for modelling

I recently found this small ornament in a local Charity Shop, a Glass Bell filled with coloured sand. I use this fine sand to texture models, mixing it with either Acrylic Medium or uPVA glue and painting it over plain plastic card or card. You can also mix it-in with Polyfilla to add some surface texture.

The Glass Bell cost just 99p and after breaking the glue seal at the top of the bell I was able to remove all of the fine sand.  The sand has the texture or consistency of fine salt or caster sugar.

The sand has been spread out on to a piece of plain paper to show the fine grains. The lumps will disappear when shaken.

You do not need much when modelling as I also mix it with coarser grained sand. This small plastic container will last for ages.

It is possible to buy a similar product used by children to make coloured sand pictures, you apply the sand over a thin layer of craft glue. However this source is much cheaper.



  1. Interesting I just grabbed some sand out of a bag I got at the Home Depot

  2. Nice find!

