Monday 10 December 2012

Freddy's back!

Day ten of this years Advent Calendar sees the return of Foul-Mouth Freddy in his longest adventure yet. The Great Kartoffenburg Mash-up.  For full details go to Orcs in the Webbe day ten or direct to Foul-Mouth_Freddy and The Kartoffenburg Mash-up.

The original short story grew to over 15,000 words and is now officially a Novella! Join Freddy and the Gang as they try to bring some order to the Kartoffenburg Expeditionary Force or KEF one of the biggest C**k-ups in  the history of Albion.

Sit back and enjoy what was originally intended as a piece of traditionally published Flintloque fiction; Maybe one day our 'potty-mouthed' hero will make it into ****ing print!


It may interest readers to note that the finished story was intended to be split into three sections, three days, but with Uncle Rogipoos last story - "The Catnip of Fu Cat Choo" both Craig and I thought that it was worth cramming it behind just one Advent Calendar window. I hope you agree.

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