Friday 22 March 2013

Birthday Books.....

In addition to two birthday cakes, a Polo shirt (Holly), a giant tub of sherbet filled flying saucers (Gary and Beckie) and loads (I mean loads) of sweets and chocolates, I had this selection of books and magazines for my birthday. At heart I'm still a big kid!

Hobby Japan and Toys & Models from Holly in Thailand with the three smaller books from Sue.

The Immortality Engine is another by George Mann. I read the first book The Affinity Bridge some time ago. Once again a gift from Sue.

Mum has sent me a practical knife sharpener and a voucher for WHSmiths. I'm sure I will find something to buy with the voucher!!! While my Mother-in-Law, Flo bought me another practical gift of M&S jeans.

The day has started slowly, there was some snow last night and it is still very cold. This evening Sue and I are going out for a Curry and Skittles night - a big grudge match in Worcester.



  1. Happy Birthday! Sounds like you had a good haul of gifts, and a fun evening planned.

  2. I'm excited about my trip to Japan for the cherry blossoms, the food and the sights, but see what haul of model mags I can get you! :D Hopefully I won't leave them on the plane this time x
