Wednesday 20 March 2013

Building Wargaming Terrain - update

Work on my book - How to build Wargame Terrain continues. This weekend I spent ages, converting the articles and page layouts to PDF format. I am now amending the layout and checking the text prior to having a test book produced. (Page numbering is proving a bit difficult).

The page count is now up to 98 pages with a word count over 15,000 words.

I would like to say that it is ready for viewing  but I think there is a great deal of additional work to be done before that can happen.

Currently there are thirteen chapters, with tutorials going from simple scenics to a full 'start-to-finish' structure. I will keep this Blog updated with developments, but layout and checking is taking longer than I had expected.

More soon. Hopefully very soon.



  1. This sounds very interesting to me :)
    Will you give us a glimpse inside the book once it's ready?

  2. "Will you give us a glimpse inside the book once it's ready?"

    I'm not sure. I've been thinking about this for some time. I think the images and tutorials in the book should be unique to the book, that is not to say that images of the finished terrain pieces will not feature in photos of Flintloque games, just that the how-to images and text should be kept for the book and the book alone.

    As I have said this has not been worked out fully at this time.

    Comments and views would be appreciated.

    The latest PDF work has 12 chapters, 92 pages and over two hundred images. It has become quite a monster! Each chapter, each tutorial and all but a couple of images are unique to the book.

    More news to follow.


  3. Cool stuff! This is great news. I hadn't known about this project of yours before. As I know your beautiful work on the GrandManner buildings this will be a definite must-buy for me.

  4. Good luck with the book, looking forward to see the finished product.

    If its going to be saddle stitched (stapled) and you are not using auto page numbering in Adobe indesign. I always make a small mock up print out and number the pages by hand, then you get the pagination right.

    Good luck


  5. I've had a sneak preview and it's looking good...x
