Monday 25 March 2013

Miniature Wargames 360.....

Two posts in one day and both labelled Miniature Wargames! 

It is not a mistake. Earlier today Sue and I decided that we would visit Stratford-on-Avon as the weather although cold (and still having snow on the ground) was sunny and more importantly dry! We had a great time window shopping and as I had some vouchers for WHSmiths, I called in to check out the latest modelling/wargaming magazines on offer.

Imagine my surprise when leafing through the latest edition of Miniature Wargames (issue 360, April 2013) I saw an article written by me. Bish, Bash, Boche; Pages 72 - 74, showing how I constructed some Halfling Roundhouses for the game S.P.Q.Orc - Pax Bochemannica from Maveryc Games.

It is fair to say that with all the uncertainty surrounding the availability of this newly launched game, I had expected this article to have been put on hold. For those not familiar with the game, search Pax Bochemannica in the labels section of this Blog. or go to this link.

The three page article details how I built three Halfling Roundhouses for use in the Pax Bochemannica demonstration games, planned for earlier this year. This illustration shows the medium size house. Each of the buildings, although unique (they would have to be - they are Halfling Boche Roundhouses) are based on a variety of Google image searches and readily available or existing resin roundhouses.

The same techniques could be used to build more 'historically accurate' Roundhouses or even Saxon structures. Check out the magazine and tell me what you think. From the next issue Miniature Wargames has a new editor; Henry Hyde and the publication now incorporated Battlegames, see this earlier post.



  1. I look forward to reading this article. Nice work Tony.


  2. I can't wait to get my copy!

    Ahhhh Stratford! Han works there, lovely town. :)

