Monday 25 March 2013

Miniature Wargames 361

I came across this open letter from Henry Hyde (editor of BattleGames and soon to be editor of Miniature Wargames/Incorporating Battlegames) over on the SFSFW Yahoo Group in which Henry gives his views on  Non-Historical Content in MW.

I found the comments to be very interesting and informative. I had already decided that I would be picking up this newly formatted magazine, even before I read that an article by me was to be featured in the magazine! Here is a clue as to the content.

In the past I have had correspondence with Andrew Hubback (previous editor of MW), who has kindly included two modelling articles written by me in recent issues. Andrew is moving on to new challenges and Henry is taking over the reins at the new magazine. I wish them both the very best of luck in their new ventures.

The new look Miniature Wargames issue 361 is due on the shelves in early April. I shall be searching it out to see how the revised format works.



  1. You need to be a member of the group to read the post.

    As Yahoo currently does not believe I am me I cannot get in!

  2. I had not realised Yahoo would block non-SFSFW members. Sorry.

    SFSFW and Yahoo rules means that I cannot (sorry will not) copy the letter, so in summary;

    Henry says that he is and always has been in favour of Non-Historical wargaming (read Non-Historical to mean fantasy, Sci-Fi and Pulp), that the new MW incorporating Battlegames will continue to have Fantasy, Sci-Fi and Pulp articles and that Darker Horizons will be closed down (maybe to re-appear in specialised publications in the future. Still not confirmed).

    MW 361 will be the first of the new format under the new editor and will incorporate Battlegames.

    I hope that this helps.

