Tuesday 23 April 2013

Building Wargame Terrain Book - an update

Earlier this evening I had an e-mail and PDF attachment from my daughter in Thailand. Holly has been helping with the formatting of the book and checking the content prior to having a 'proof' book produced (I find it easier to check layout and text on an actual book rather than a computer screen).

Current layout is 102 full colour pages laid out in twelve chapters with a gloss card cover, although this may change.

There is no doubt that the layout and finishing of the book have taken/is taking much longer than I had anticipated  however now that I am at a stage where a physical book will soon be produced (even though it is just a 'proof') I am feeling much more positive.

There are still discussion as to whether the book will be produced as an actual paper book, an E-Publication or both but at least the content is now decided upon.

As a New Years Resolution, I set myself the target of having the book produced this year. So far (and I am touching wood as I type), this is still looking achievable.

I was asked in an earlier post if I could supply some images. I have so far rejected this idea as I want the images in the book to be NEW and not something that can been gleaned from the Internet. I know that this will have to change, but for now, I am trying to keep both images and content hidden until the official launch. I hope that you understand.

Once I have more information, I will post again.



  1. Have you looked at making it available as print on demand? I prefer e-books now for many reasons but POD as well would allow for both a physical and electronic option and not require you pay to have a quantity printed,

  2. I totally understand that decision. For now. :)

    I'm typing these lines on my iPad btw and I would love to be able to read the book this way too.

  3. Looking forward to this publication.

  4. After being a bit disappointed from the two terrain-making books that osprey features, I'm really looking forward to a book release from a real wargamer :)

    Keep going! :)
