Wednesday 24 April 2013

The BenchVent

Back in December 2012, I posted that I had been a very lucky guy and won a competition to win a BenchVent air filter or spray booth. For details see this post.

I had intended writing a full review, but to be honest I've not done any airbrushing or spray painting for some time - 'the cold weather don't you know'.

However during the January break my Son wanted to build a new housing for his super-quick, all bells and whistles computer and using Plexiglass acrylic sheets and some shop-bought bits this is exactly what we did.

We used a number of cutting tools to both cut and shape the acrylic sheets and then sand and polish the edges before gluing the box together. It was during these processes that the BenchVent was running at full power and so here is a partial review of how the BenchVent BV555-R performed.

Firstly this a very quiet machine, when running flat-out there is very little motor noise and I would say that my computer is noisier! The swarf from the acrylic sheet was initially messy but the workbench was kept clean. The sanding and polishing caused more mess but once again the BenchVent was more that adequate for the job.

I would therefore say a job-very-well-done.

We tended to use the machine in the standard position (see above) for all of the work and it had no issues with either noise, cleaning the air or removing dust. It performed well.

I have still to use it with either my airbrush or spray can paints (acrylic and spirit based paints) and once I do I will update this short review.

My only criticism is the size of the unit. It is huge and I have already commented to BenchVent that in my opinion a smaller more compact model might find a larger market with model makers. I know that space in my small shed-at-the-bottom-of-the-garden is always at a premium and a smaller model might have been better for me.

It was my intention to build the whole unit into one wall of the shed with the plastic-coated air filter/extractor exiting through the wall. This may still happen, but for now it is housed in the garage and moved to the shed when needed.

I cannot find anything bad to say about the machine, with the one exception of the sheer bulk, it performs superbly and I have no hesitation in recommending it.

For full details go to this link.


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