Thursday 25 April 2013

Olive Press - part seven

It's taken a little longer than usual, but the On-Line Build for April 2013 is now complete. An Olive Press resin casting from Grand Manner. See this link for full details.

These images show the finished model with both dyed sawdust (railway modelling scatter) and some ground foam foliage. It is not immediately apparent from these images but the central area of the main stone bowl has been painted Olive Green (well what other colour would you have expected?)

There are some static grass and static grass clumps glued down in small batches and then some Gale Force 9 ground foam to replicate the pressed olives. The ground foam has been added over some Gel-type superglue.

This final close-up shows how I have placed the ground foam in the central stone grinding or pressing bowl.

The model was originally made by me as part of a set of Ancient or Classical Greek terrain pieces, however it would be equally at home in a Napoleonic Spain/Portugal setting or even a Spanish Civil War setting.


1 comment:

  1. That´s brillaint. I´ve seen the screw type presses as models but never one like this.
