Monday 22 July 2013

Building Wargame Terrain by Tony Harwood - the situation three weeks on

83 copies of the initial batch of 100 Limited Edition books are either sold or reserved and while packaging and posting has slowed down, yesterday saw another five books posted. (Mainly to the UK).

I have recently had a query relating to delivery times to the USA. I would be interested in knowing what customers have thought of delivery times - particularly to the USA. Please post comments here if you have any information.

Thank you

For full details of how to order your own copy go to this link. While anyone questioning if they should order, here are some reviews of the book.....



Randy Burnett; Just wanted to let you know my copy arrived today, well, yesterday now, in good order and I am well pleased. Thanks and Cheers!

Crazy JoeReceived mine this morning and I'm more than a bit impressed. Well worth the price and packed more sensibly than the majority of mail order books I receive. 
For this genre of wargame related book it's going to take some beating.
Well done that man!

J; The book arrived today. Thorough tutorials, great illustrations and wonderful inspiration to get my terrain-making started again.
Thanks a lot for making and sharing this book!

Monkeylite; Mine arrived today, that was bloody quick. The quality looks amazing. I can tell the ideas inside are gonna be fresh, coz it came wrapped in clingfilm :)

Ubique Matt; Received my copy (lucky no. 13) that fast I think it was sent before I'd mailed the cheque! Great read, picked up some very good tips on the first few pages before the tutorials even began.

Artilleryman; I have received my own copy now. Excellent publication. Highly recommended. I note that it is 'No 1' so I hope to see more.


1 comment:

  1. 83/100 already in 3 weeks - not bad!
    Got mine a while ago. Very pleased with it, and looking forward to many more! :)
