Thursday 25 July 2013

Oswald Pepperkettle - part four

The painting of Oswald Pepperkettle is complete. I've tried to copy the illustration on the front cover of Days of Daring, (Commando Comic no.3762) as close as possible. See this post for details.

The painting has been done with a selection of acrylic paints and metallic paints from Games Workshop. The base has been painted in my usual style - Snakebite Leather and Skull White with odd stones picked out in a Skull White and Chaos Black mix.

I used Citadel Red ink to highlight the crimson sash with Gryphonne Sepia and Badab Black washes on the base.

I'll be varnishing the miniature in the next couple of days and then a little touch of flocking and he's finished. As stated earlier this is one of my very favourite Alternative Armies - Flintloque figures a miniature brimmed full of character and so very easy to paint.


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