Tuesday 9 July 2013

Building Wargame Terrain by Tony Harwood - the situation one week on

Just one week after the books arrived in four large cardboard boxes both Sue and I have had a busy time packing and posting the books to the many followers who have purchased a book. At this moment 49 50 of the 100 books have been either sold or reserved and awaiting payment. I'm sorry, but this is my first venture into the minefield that is publishing, I am still not sure if this is fantastic or terrible performance!

Copies of the book have been posted to The United States, Australia, Russia and Europe as well as the UK.

The first in-depth review has been posted by Christian at cianty's Tabletop Wargames Blog and can be found here. Thank you Christian.

Should you wish to order a copy, the details are here.

The book came about after I was approached to write an article for a proposed magazine/book on building wargame terrain, which unfortunately never materialized. I started three project, two of which appear in the book (which is now being called BWT - thanks again Christian). From there I had the idea of writing my own guide, very much in the same vein as the old Airfix Modelling Guides, that I had enjoyed so much as a teenager. The book went through many re-writes and re-designs before my Daughter converted the text and images into this book format ready for publishing.

During this period I was given a great deal of advice and for this I am very grateful - thank you. There were also a few criticisms which surprising, I found very difficult to deal with.

Book 2 is a real possibility and I will keep you informed of developments. For now, I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has commented, offered advice and helped in the making of the book and thank you (again) to everyone who has ordered a copy.

Normal service will be resumed very soon.



  1. I received my copy on Friday...well I got a card through saying the post office had 'attempted delivery' so I went and collected it Saturday Morning. I've only had time for a quick flick through so far, but it looks excellent.

    Once I've had a proper read I'll post up a review on my blog.

  2. Hello Tony,

    That is a great and positive review of the book, well done to Christian for this.

    As for a 50% sales rate that is good going. Every book sells at a different rate and in my experience it often has little to do with the cover price but more to do with the content and 'market'. All wargaming books are essentially 'specialist' books so looking to paperback sales numbers is pointless.


  3. I got mine last week and have had a quick glance through, once I've had a bit of time I'll try and get a review onto my blog too.

  4. number 51... to me :-)
    e-mail sent

  5. Another copy wending its way to Oz shortly . . .


  6. Hi Dad!

    Congratulations on your amazing book.

    After finally having the chance to finish reading it last night I am very proud of the work you have put in. Especially seen as it is your first book, and even more especially as you are awful on a computer :p.

    The first thing that strikes me about the book is how professional it looks and feels. The paper and printing is great quality and the writing is detailed but also straight to the juice bits of how you made each piece.

    I really like the first page of each chapter as it shows the contract between the completed model and the first stages of construction.

    The book contains a lot of techniques that you use normally without repeating itself and each model progresses nicely to include more complex methods and ideas. I really like that you have included the concept drawings in the later models and would like to see more of that included in book 2!

    As a side note, the photo of your work bench must have been setup because I have never seen it that tidy!

    I am really proud of you and love the book (even the nostalgic orange cover is starting to grow on me).

    Congrats again, I'm sure you'll sell that last few in no time. Looking forward to book 2.

    Gary xxx

  7. Can't wait to see a proper copy - only 10 days! :)

    I think the criticism you've received should fall into three categories...

    1) Criticisms people make about your deliberate choices (like the cover) should be taken with a pinch of salt - you made choices for your own reasons and not everyone will like them. But, if you made the book differently, it wouldn't be YOUR book, and that's what people are wanting to buy.

    2) Criticisms about stuff you hadn't thought of - read it, think about whether it's valid and then decide what to do about it for the next book. This is how we make book 2 even better! :D

    3) Criticisms from me - are obviously all valid and correct and cannot be disputed :P He he.

    Love you, the reviews and comments are great! And if Gary likes it then it must be pretty good! :P Well done xxxxxxxxx

  8. Book 2 Oh no hide my cling film.
    Also Holly and Gary, don't forget behind every, good Modelling book, author is a (desperate, patient, loving, understanding)wife waiting to use the computer. :)


  9. Its great. Do another!
