Wednesday 10 July 2013

Colonel Oswald Pepperkettle "the Grand Duck"

The pledge for July 2013. After a busy week packing and posting books, I thought it was worth having a little interlude. My Pledge for July is Oswald Pepperkettle from Alternative Armies, leader of The Rifles, for details go to this link.

This is one of my all time favourite Alternative Armies sculpts, I have cleaned off all the old paint by leaving him in a bath of Dettol for a week and brushing off the remaining flakes of acrylic paint with an old toothbrush.

Photo One - All cleaned up with just a tiny bit of 'Green Stuff' modification - the cuffs and the rosette.

Photo Two and Three - Mounted on to a 2p coin. (I have included a sliver of Balsawood to raise the front of the base and give Oswald a more upright stance).

Photo Four - The base built up with Milliput fine white.

Photos Five and Six - Sieved stones and fine sand added over uPVA glue finishes off the base.

In part two of the July Pledge, I'll be basecoating the figure with some black paint.


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