Thursday 11 July 2013

Working with Foam

Over the last couple of days, and since the release of Building Wargame Terrain I have been asked.
"What foam do you use for modelling?" and "Where do you get hold of it?".

Most of my modelling materials come from a reclamation centre in Worcester - it's a bit hit-and-miss as to what you pick up, but it is cheap. Some time ago I picked up some Green Foam which I find perfect for model making. 

After some research I have been able to confirm that this foam is SIKA block - Model boards M150 and is available from John Burn, Birmingham. If you ask nicely, they will send you this sample pack.

My preferred material is the M150 or light green foam (second from left) but you can make up your own mind. The actual boards are sold as 2000mm x 1000mm x100mm (which is a lifetimes supply). If enough modellers show an interest maybe we can get them to sell the boards in smaller quantities.

As a bonus, John Burn has just opened a new 3D printing studio.


1 comment:

  1. I wish I could find something like that locally around here. That would beat having to buy a 8'x 4' sheet of extruded foam to build terrain with. At one time when I was making my Minas Tirith, I had 6 sheet of extruded foam, and 16 sheet of Styrofoam. What a mess it was...but he end result was great. But I have no where to store a large sheet of foam anymore....smaller would be better.
