Monday 26 August 2013

Building Wargame Terrain by Tony Harwood - a retrospective

One month after the last signed and numbered Limited Edition book was posted I thought I would give a quick update of the situation to date.

The initial batch of 100 signed and numbered books are now all sold, the Normandy Cafe model has been posted to Big Lee, see this link for full details. I still have a (very) limited amount of un-signed books available for sale, if you are interested please go to this link for how to order.

Last week I visited Parabellum, Birmingham and was surprised that even regular followers of my Blog had not realised that the book had been published and was available for sale. I took two books with me and sold them both.

When I was planning the first production run, I decided to have 100 published, this 100 actually turned into 112 as the publisher informed me that on any production run there are always extras or spares. I have been asked if there is to be a second production run - and at this moment in time there are no plans, however this may change when I am ready to launch Book Two. Similarly I have been asked if there is to be an electronic or PDF version. The answer is yes, but once again I am not sure when this will happen - the truth is that there is still work to be done on this planned electronic publication and other projects have taking priority.

Work on Book Two has already begun - four building project have been finished but still need to be painted. My plan is to build one or two more while the weather is good (and I can work in comfort in the shed-at-the-bottom-of-the-garden) and spend the winter months painting them. I will post more details as and when I have them.

Thank you to everyone who bought a copy - I hope that you have enjoyed your book.

Details of how to order can be found here.


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