Friday 23 August 2013

Citadel Washes - a lucky find

Yesterday Sue and I visited Pershore to see the Pershore Plum Festival and have a picnic at the side of the river. On the way back we stopped at Alcester (pronounced Ulster) and after a quick stop at the Roman Museum walked up the High Street.

I dropped in to a new toy shop called Your Place and picked up these first edition Citadel Washes for £2.00 each. They were not on the fully stocked paint rack but in a small plastic tub to the side. I know that these Washes are currently going for 'silly money' on E-bay and I consider them a true find. Badab Black and Devlan Mud being two of my favourite washes along with Gryphonne Sepia.

I now have enough to last me some considerable time. A really lucky find!



  1. Oh lucky man!
    Those two shades, plus Ogyrn Flesh are so useful and the new replacements come nowhere near do they...

  2. With you there - a good find.
    I was in the Aylesbury Games Workshop a week ago (first time in about 3 years) and the best priced things were the paints. The figures were another thing so so expensive. The worst I saw was 4 plastics in a pack for £24 !!! I just bought the paints - no wonder it was so quiet in there. Dan

  3. Oh well done, they were my favourite too; currently sourcing replacements.

  4. Great find Tony. Very lucky.

  5. So jealous! I have most of one pot of Devlan Mud left....

  6. That stuff lasts forever if you remember to close the lid. I'm still using most of the inks I bought in '88 and a few washes from '90.

  7. You lucky b*****d! I miss my Devlan Mud like a fat kid misses his cupcakes. Can't find it anywhere.

    So far, the best replacement has been Army Painter's Strong Tone in the dropper bottle.

  8. Truly a very lucky find.

    I have browsed wargame shows and E-bay for odd bottles, but they do seam as rare as hens teeth.

    I would not have expected to pick up new bottles - after all these bottles have been out-of-production for some years.


  9. You're a lucky man.
    It's a shame that GW stopped producing them...

