Monday 5 August 2013

Harpy - The Pledge for August

My Pledge for August begins. I am starting with the 'alternative Harpy' miniature (on the right) as the basis of my conversion. The miniature was bought from a Bring-and -Buy earlier this year. This will be my final figure for my Fighting Forty-Firsts, see this link and previous posts for more details.

With the main troops finished, I now needed to start work on Luke Benson's cousin, a civilian character from Amorica armed with a six barrel boarding musket.

Photo Two - I have removed the sergeant stripes and cleaned up some of the mould lines, most of the conversion work has been carried out to the back of the figure.

Photo Three - In this case, I think a picture is worth a thousand words! Some quite dramatic lead surgery removing a good portion of the miniatures back. I used a modellers or jewellers saw to cut off a large chunk of lead.

Photo Four - Some 'Green Stuff' filling and remodelling. To the front some coat cuffs and a shoulder bag strap.

Photo Five - To the rear, building out the shoulders and adding bulk to the figure. I decided to build up the collar before adding any hair - a little wrong, but it worked.

Photo Six - Now added to a 2p coin base with the groundwork built up with Milliput.

Photo Seven - Hair added.

It is obvious from the photos that I have not tried to strip the figure prior to the conversion. With 'Green Stuff' modifications this dramatic, I was not too worried. The biggest challenge is yet to come, the 'pork-pie' civilian headgear!



  1. Wow. Quite a transformation.

  2. Looking forward to this one!
    It's always worrying when you first hack up a miniature, but the results and the challenge of fixing it often pay off. :)
    I got your book the day before yesterday and it is fantastic! Very nice and simple to digest, with a friendly approach to explaining the techniques without teaching one to suck eggs!
    I'm hoping to do a Youtube review of the book at some point, but it has been some time since I have made a video what with my new job and all!
    Anywho, good luck and as I said, this is one for me to look forward to!

  3. Hi Rob,

    Glad you like both the book and the figure. I look forward to seeing your review.

    I've visited both Worcs. and Glos. stores in the last week and on both occasions the store was shut. Where are you working now.

