Tuesday 6 August 2013

Model Shipwright

A recent trip to Tewksbury, Glos. saw me coming away with these two books; Model Shipwright numbers 14 and 15 from 1976. The books were in this clearance box - £1.00 each and I choose the two with illustrations and plans of paddle steamers. As you can see from the second image there were a number of similar books being offered for sale.

Both books are packed with illustrations and information that should prove of worth and interest to me. At just £1.00 each a real bargain. I should also point out that the box and books were brought to my attention by Sue - thank you.



  1. Tony, you must have more books on model making than the British library!

  2. Not quite, they have twelve more than me, some early Featherstone and Hovels books. I used to have them but sold them at a bring-and-buy about two years ago:)

    Don't tell my wife.


  3. Mark G - I can confirm he definitely has more than the British Library! :) Two copies of some books!

  4. I've always had a desire to model ships, but never done it. It will be interesting to see what projects come out of this.
