Saturday 5 October 2013

Fantasy Chonicles

In one of my many clear-outs I came across an old box file that contained these magazines. Fantasy Chronicles first published in June 1986. The magazine ran for eight issues and featured some fantastic art by Jim Fitzpatrick.

Having been stored for some time in a box, they are in near perfect condition. Over the last couple of days I have re-read the magazines and although they are not very big magazines, (just 40 pages) they were full of pure nostalgia and some interesting articles.

There was a time, a long time ago, that I had intended building a couple of classical Celt warbands, very much in the vein that North Star are attempting with Of Gods and Mortals. This project was inspired by the Celtic themed artwork of Jim Fitzpatrick which is so prevalent throughout the magazines.

This collection will be placed back in the attic, once I have finished reading through them. Although I am selling some books and magazines on e-Bay which can be found at this link.


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