Friday 4 October 2013

Studio Clay Sculpting Tool

I recently came across this clay sculpting tool, actually a set of tools at a discount store in Worcester. The set is by the manufacturer Studio and was bought for £2.00.

The smaller of the two handles has a metal probe, while the larger handle has a magnet built into the shaft. These five sculpting tools can be slotted into the handle and held in place by the magnet. From left to right there is a larger metal probe, a blade, a metal 'ball topped' tool and two black plastic sculpting tools.

The set looks to be well made and very good value, I will give a more detailed report once I have had the chance to use it.



  1. Can you reveal which shop you bought it in, as I would liek to see if I can get one...

  2. Hi David,

    They were bought at The Worcester Resources Exchange or WRC, behind Shrubhill Railway Station. However this is a recycling centre for schools and colleges and not usually open to the public.

    In addition this was the last one on the shelf, sorry.


  3. I've now seen the same set for sale at The Range. The cost is £16.00!

    I had a bargain.

