Friday 22 November 2013

Figure Painter Magazine #7

I have recently downloaded issue 7 of the on-line publication Figure Painter Magazine. Regular readers and followers will know that I have downloaded a number of these magazines, but not every issue.

The magazine follows a tried and tested format of a mixture of reviews (or open box) articles a couple of tutorials and at least one interview. The rest of the pages being adverts and images of beautifully painted miniatures.

Given that I have in the past been very complimentary of the content, I found this issue my least favourite of the four I have downloaded. I'm not sure why? Issue 7 has 100 pages of content which is more large-scale figure orientated as opposed to wargame figure scales, but has the potential to be a great magazine. At just £1.00 per issue I find the magazine good value and would recommend that anyone interested in figure painting (what ever the scale) would find something of interest.

For further details go to this link.


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